What to expect

I help women and non-binary folks clear the fog and overcome mental blocks to move forward in their lives and small businesses.

Work with me to gain clarity of purpose and direction. You’ll get a compassionate and reliable cheerleader to help you move your life and small business toward your dreams. 

I use a solutions-based model of fully present compassionate listening and creative problem solving to help you build a personalized roadmap to achieve your goals.

Success requires hard work, but it is possible to grow a business without giving up your whole life. You need a plan. Not a cookie-cutter program with tasks that are irrelevant or un-achievable for your situation, but one based on your individual situation and goals. If you have worked with other coaching groups, you may be familiar with these cookie-cutter programs. They cost a lot of money and  make bold promises about what their system will do for your business but offer little individualized guidance. Then, if you can’t fulfill all their tasks, they tell you it’s because YOU failed to sacrifice enough and did not commit to their “proven” system.

Sessions with me are friendly and casual, yet focused on compassionately identifying where you are stuck so we can develop strategies to help you move toward your goals. I bring my full awareness to our meetings, providing support, guidance, insight, a few laughs, and ultimately collaborating with you on a plan of action. We end every session by creating a list of action items, and those who have purchased a package can have check-ins with me on those action items (and other minor topics) by email between sessions.

While what we work on together is very specific to your individual situation and mental space, I can help across a broad area of your personal and professional life, including guiding you through

  • Concrete actions, such as
    • where to begin if you’re looking to start a new venture
    • strategies to deal with a vendor not performing as desired
    • assessing what courses or training would help you achieve your goals
  • Mental/emotional exercises, such as
    • learning techniques to reframe thinking and overcome negative thoughts
    • using breathing techniques to to calm the nervous system before addressing something stressful
    • overcoming/dealing with fears, such as failure or speaking
  • Organizational strategizing, such as
    • identifying the best tools and technologies to help you stay organized and on track to success 
    • learning low tech organizational systems 
  • Strategic projects, such as
    • working through the steps of developing a business plan
    • finding the right professional support team (such as accountants and lawyers)